Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another term ended and a life too

Well the end of the term is here again and a life is lost too.

Well some weeks back I you about my cousin who had cancer. His life has come to a close.

When I think of 9/11 I will have new memories instead of just all the people who lost there life in 2001.

I woke up to a phone call from my mom telling me that my cousin had passed away that morning. But the story gets interesting. I think that she was a little confused on how much time he had left but can they really tell.

When he found out he only had a short time to live he went into hospice but while there he decided that he wanted to be home with his family instead. He had his mom come down to take care of him. He was doing really good and lived past what they expected from him. So that was good news and now the messed up news.

On september 5 his wife kicked him, his mom, her friend and the nurse out of the house (remind you he is still terminal at this point). So once again he went back into hospice. He refused to eat or drink anything because he had nothing to live for (even though he had 3 children) his wife wished him dead and with the cancer he went into depression. His wife was sneaking her boyfriend into the house with everyone there and he told him he was going to marry her as soon as he could.

So in conclusion I do not think that he really died of the cancer but of a broken heart. His family was everything to him and she took that away. They knew she was cheating but did not know he was coming to the house. I guess he could deal with that being he wasn't the husband he once was but it hurt that she would do it in the house.

So on September 11, 2010 in the morning he passed away heartbroken and starving himself not from the cancer in my opinion. May he rest in peace and never have to know pain again. He will be loved and missed from within by everyone of his family members and friends.